About This Crazy Woman

Bullshit, sacharine, fairy tale bio:

Once upon a time, there was a girl child born to a sixteen and seventeen year old in the foothills of eastern Kentucky.  They didn’t kill her, so she grew up to be Katie Cord. Even though they were both hellions, and constantly worried she’d grow up to be the same. She didn’t. Instead, she liked to read books, make up stories, watch movies, and typically be boring as fuck, which at times, probably worried them more.

Loads of other stupid shit happened and eventually she woke up to realize there were some serious problems with how all the programming got wired in her head. Two divorces, a couple career changes, and a little overachieving later, she was diagnosed as your typical everyday codependent, anxiety/depression, PTSD riddled woman. She’s trying to change that one accountability at a time. This blog is a work in progress. She is a work in progress. And there are probably issues, since she is the one writing this, about herself, in third person (don’t worry she’ll talk to her therapist about it).


Who I am from others perspective:

Katie Cord is a publisher, writer, and nurse. She currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her three rambunctious dogs. In her free time, she likes to binge watch television series and spend time with her boyfriend, Timothy W. Long. Her first collection of short stories, He Left Her at the Altar, She Left Him to the Zombies is available on Amazon. Her next book, Maxine will be out Fall 2015. You can find other short stories by her in GIVE: An Anthology of Anatomical Entries from When the Dead Books and Genus Loci from Ragnarok Publications.


Who I feel like most days:

I am a woman struggling every day to not let atypical depression and codependent behaviors rule me. I’m a work in progress and happy to be on the road to recovery.